Resolutions for Real Nutrition in the New Year

With the new year upon us, the time is right to make a healthy New Year's resolution for the entire family. We have some tips that will help you meet your goals.

Make Little Changes

According to, 45 percent of Americans usually make New Year's resolutions and another 17 percent sometimes make resolutions, but only 8 percent are successful in sticking to them. Little changes can have better odds of success.

This year, focus on making one or two changes per month throughout the year. For example, eat locally grown, organic foods as much as possible, switch from breakfast cereal to oatmeal, get the family together once or twice a week to play a sport or walk outside, or take shelf safe chocolate milk to kids’ soccer and football games instead of sugary sports drinks.

Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

It can be difficult for busy families to eat well when they are on the go or when the kids are begging for something to eat before dinner. If you don’t have a plan in place for these times, you can quickly fall back into junk food habits.

Resolve always to have some healthy options at the ready. Check out our ideas for better-for-you after-school snacks and meals on the go.

Try Sneakz Milk Shakes

If you haven’t tried Sneakz yet, the new year is a perfect time. You can make it easier for your children to get their daily servings of calcium and vegetables with lunchbox friendly, shelf stable Sneakz milkshakes.

Each 8-ounce box contains a nutrient-rich mix of five vegetables — carrot, cauliflower, sweet potato, spinach, and beets — along with more fiber and less sugar than other leading flavored milk in the marketplace and many smoothies and juice drinks.

Tetra Pak packaging means it doesn’t require refrigeration until it’s opened. Keep plenty on hand to throw in the diaper bag, purse, sports bag or lunchbox. And, you might want to keep a few in the freezer for long days, so by the time the kids are ready for a snack, the milk will be just the right temperature.

During the first two weeks of January, we will be selecting a dozen people to receive some of our yummy drinks in exchange for valuable feedback. Please fill out this form, and we will notify you by Jan. 16 if you're selected.

If you can’t wait to get started on this resolution, you can buy Sneakz online or find a store near you.

We wish you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!