Enjoy this CBS 8 News Segment with Larry Himmel narrating a cute Dr. Suess themed rhyme about Sneakz. Kids, parents, and news reporters love to sip the goodness!
CBS News 8 - San Diego, CA News Station - KFMB Channel 8
It’s an age old question, how do you get your kids to eat healthy food?
Well how about tricking them
Tonight Larry Himmell introduces us to sneakz, a chocolate milk product filled with veggies
Some folks may want to ban 64 oz cups from thirsty fools
Other applause meatless mondays,that now are in our schools
For the health of our children our scrutiny does increase
Trying to stop them from an epidemic that is obese
Its very frightening when you look at the facts
How much damage is done by their everyday snacks
But getting them to eat healthy Is no easy sale
When they want some ice cream and you offer kale
After soccer , a treat for your ladder lass?
They’ll want a slurpee
You give them wheatgrass
Perhaps the best way to please them takes a little deception
And a company called Sneakz
Offers a healthy exception
Now i’m not one to suggest that your kids be mislead
But what about a chocolate drink that's healthy instead
That’s just what Allison and her co founder have done
We wanted to take vegetables from yuck to yum
To take sweet potatoes, broccoli and carrots
Quite nutritious
Add some dutch chocolate to make it taste delicious
It’s a combination that both kids and parents cheer
We’ve been on shelf in grocery stores since January of this year
Kacey Headley's husband chase plays in the bigs
And when it comes to Sneakz
Their son colt takes healthy swigs
This usually fussy eater
Likes to have his way
Now he probably drinks 4-5 of them a day
In this box the trade off
that every parent seeks
With a full serving of veggies
In every box of Sneakz
Fool me once fool me twice
Maybe even three
Think i’m drinking a malt or a milkshake
When i’m really drinking broccoli