What You Should Know about Holiday Travels with Kids

Don’t Forget the Snacks

Since the food served on most airplane flights isn’t kid friendly and it can be tough to find quick and healthy options at the airport, you’ll want to make sure that you bring along plenty of snack options. Having food handy can help minimize meltdowns and ensure a smooth trip.

Snacks can provide a bit of entertainment as well as nourishment, especially when they are packed creatively. Try treating snacks like little presents, and put them in plastic eggs or wrap ribbons around them a bags. Use your imagination and see what other fun ideas you can come up with.

Airplane Rules and Rights

Also, since milk might not be available on your flight, it's a good idea to pack a shelf-stable option like Sneakz if you are traveling with a toddler. Sneakz is a fun treat for kids, and you’ll be happy knowing that they are getting some vegetable nutrition. However, you'll need to declare the milk boxes at the TSA checkpoint for additional screening since they are above the 3.4 oz (100mL) permitted. Be aware of the rules and your rights.

12 great kids’ snacks to pack for a plane flight

  1. Cheerios or other low sugar cereal
  2. Apple slices with a squeeze of lemon juice
  3. Grapes
  4. Carrot sticks
  5. Babybel cheese
  6. Crackers
  7. Hard boiled eggs
  8. Celery and nut butter
  9. Raisins or other dried fruits can be a low mess option
  10. Plain bread or cooked pasta
  11. Orange or clementine
  12. Muffins like these Blueberry Oat Muffins